CustusX  18.04
An IGT application
cxPreferencesDialog.h File Reference
#include "cxGuiExport.h"
#include "cxPreferenceTab.h"
#include "cxGeneralTab.h"
#include <QDialog>
#include "cxDoubleProperty.h"
#include "cxBoolProperty.h"
#include "cxStringProperty.h"
#include "cxForwardDeclarations.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  cx::VisualizationTab
class  cx::AutomationTab
 Automatic execution of actions when applicable. More...
class  cx::VideoTab
 Various parameters related to ultrasound acquisition and reconstruction. More...
class  cx::ToolConfigTab
 Interface for selecting a tool configuration. More...
class  cx::PreferencesDialog
 Set application preferences. More...
class  cx::DebugTab
 Debug settings. More...


 Namespace for all CustusX production code.